At 18.41 06/12/2003, you wrote:
Agreed; the security model is one issue. For an NT
clone, you really need
a filesystem capable of supporting ACLs, among other things. Does ext3
support extended attributes? If so, then this could be implemented over
top of that;
it could - *if* we want a sloppy and inefficient implementation. ACLs have
arbitrary length and are in the vast majority of cases inherited from the
parent directory: NTFS, in fact, collapses identical ACLs. And that's just
an example. Just speaking feature-wise, NTFS has DOS attributes and DOS
short filenames, OS/2 extended attributes, sparse files, compression,
encryption, named streams, per-file object ids, reparse points and god
knows how many minor ones I've left out. But that's just overlooking the by
far biggest issue: what about user ids? Windows NT has globally unique user
ids of arbitrary length, vs the fixed-length, locally unique user ids
normally found elsewhere. Before you ask: yes, files need to be indexed by
SID. Quota management requires it. Good luck implementing all of that with
extended attributes