From: James Tabor
Quake 1 !!!!! how!?!!? write up a Howto_Quake_Reactos!
Please Please Please!!!!! 8^)
1) Get Quake 1.06:
2) Unzip to e.g. c:\quake_sw and run install.bat in that directory
3) Get the Quake 1.08 patch:
4) Unzip and overwrite c:\quake_sw\quake.exe (note: 3) and 4) are probably
5) Get WinQuake 1.00:
6) Unzip to c:\quake_sw
7) Boot ReactOS
8) Start a command prompt
9) Go to c:\quake_sw and run "winquake -nosound -nojoy -dibonly
-noautostretch -startwindowed"
10) Be suitably impressed and say "Wow!"
Gé van Geldorp