Maybe in 30 years.
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: ros-general-bounces(a)
[] På vegne af Jeff Smith
Sendt: 10. december 2003 09:58
Til: ros-general(a)
Emne: Re: [ros-general] RE: Microsoft wants royalties for use of FAT
will we be removing Fat support later on in the ReactOS developement?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vizzini" <vizzini(a)>
To: <ros-general(a)>
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 1:18 AM
Subject: Re: [ros-general] RE: Microsoft wants royalties for
use of FAT
On Mon, 2003-12-08 at 19:40, Wierd Wierd wrote:
In which case, how exactly would sony's
diskette" based digital camera be licensed? It uses
FAT filesystem to store the image data. This means it actively
utilizes the filesystem, and as such, is both 'client' and
'server'... How would such a device be licensed?
My take is that any device with software for writing a FAT
needs a license to use FAT. If the OS is writing
out the
the OS needs the license; if the device is
creating the FAT
structures, it needs the license.
Also: please quote a bit in your reply, since your replies do not
thread properly.
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