Steven Edwards wrote:
On 2/12/06, James Tabor
<jimtabor(a)> wrote:
So all ReactOS developers are bad people and
Only the ones that have every looked at Window source code.
Thanks for the slander,
Its only slander if its spoken and Its libel if its in print.
Unfortunatly the acusation has to be false before you can claim
defamation. Alexandre rules are the same as they have always been
1. 3rd party app needs to use it.
2. test case incresses the odds of it being merged.
3. If its documented all the better.
Don't know where you are coming from? But, I see these comments in print!
These comments imply *ALL* ReactOS developers are *BANNED*! So, just because
there is one bad apple in the bunch makes these slanderous comments right?
You are of the minority opinion here,