On Tue, 15 Nov 2005, Murphy, Ged (Bolton) wrote:
I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous, I can assure
you that a firewall is
As can I. And I felt fine without one until I had Windows 2000 and a
static IP.
I think the statistics for hooking up an unprotected
Windows machine to the
internet are something like 10 minutes before it becomes infected.
5-10, or something like that.
Within a day after moving to a static IP (and my reverse-lookup advertises
this fact, making me more vulnerable -
static-141-149-129-16.buff.east.verizon.net - I got attacked by a worm
that ground my system down to a halt and then killed LSASS.EXE, forcing a
reboot. Ever since then I have kept my computer firewalled - first by
software, and then when that made my computer unusable for some of my
vital projects (running the Japanese P2P client Share, for example) I set
up a second computer as a firewall. It is that second computer I am
sending this mail from (a 486 running Debian Linux).