Is there any way to test and see if my null modem cable is any good?
If I open up two Hyperterminals on Windows I can type back and forth,
or if I use Minicom and Hyperterminal I can type from one computer
over the COM port and receive it on the other but when I run ReactOS
in debug mode with the /DEBUG and /DEBUGPORT=COM1 I can't get anything
to come across the communications port.
the /BAUDRATE=19200 and I know all my setting are correct in the
terminal computer that is receiving but I'm unable to get any data at
Is ReactOS not using 8N1 for the parity settings ?
I'm currently trying to figure out why I'm getting a
SESSION4_INITIALIZATION_FAILED bug check error. Maybe ReactOS hasn't
opened up the COM port yet for communications ?
Any help?
Thanks in advance,