I'm having some trouble with my eMail client, it seems the digest mode of the mailing
list confuses it somehow, so I'll quote this part manually, sorry for that. I
digest off now, hopefully the list will now deliver your eMails individually. :)
Copying my test file to ReactOS is not that problematic, I can just boot Knoppix in the
same VM, mount the ReactOS FAT32 filesystem, mount an external USB stick or something
and copy it over, reboot to ReactOS, problem solved.
But generally it would be nice to have stable FTP (or HTTP or SCP) transfers in ReactOS,
so I kept trying different programs etc. I thought that this is such a basic thing that
it just has to work! But yeah, BSOD every time. File size btw. is 668MBytes.
Now the second thing is, I would like to run x264 (a H.264/AVC video encoder linked
against the libav codec library for decoding) to transcode a video stream (that 668MB
That part works for a few minutes and then crashes.
If it helps I can generate logs, maybe you could tell me what exactly I could do that
helps you.
About that VMware Player configuration I just noticed that I gave you wrong info. I was
indeed using the original setting set up by the 0.3.14 VMware image that I had
downloaded. The vmx/vmxf configuration files are attached to this eMail, here are some
settings beforehand:
* Mem: 512MB
* CPUs: 1
* HDD: 8GB
* USB: Present
* Display: Autodetect
* OS Type: XP Pro
I just tried it again a few times, and build #57337 boots into BSOD every single time
using those settings on VMware Player "4.0.1 build-528992". Host OS is CentOS
6.3 Linux
x86_64 in case it matters..
So if you require any specific tests or anything, just let me know. :) I might not be
able to test on weekends though, as the machine I am testing on might not be available
on weekends.
Hi Michael!
Well...We can try several tricks to make it work :)
If your main objective is to "copy" the File into ReactOS, then the best option
is to
"Mount" the Virtual HardDisk of your VirtualMachine. Mounting will let you
place the
file inside ReactOS without issues and from your host OS.Then when booting ReactOS you
will see the file inside "magically".
If your main objective is to test the MM and overall ReactOS behavior in Vmware then
thanks a lot, because your help could be really really helpful. :)
I've to say that lately ReactOS has improved a lot its stability under Vbox but
it didn't do the same under Vmware as your tests shows.
It would be really nice if you can share which is your Virtual Machine
configuration(Ram, HDD, etc) so maybe we can try to replicate the issue to find
something useful in the logs.
Or maybe you can create useful Logs for us :)
I have tried Filezilla under VBOX and seems to
fail.Reason under this line:
(Trace cut out)
If this didnt happen in 0.3.14 then we are in front of a regression. Nice catch!
We can try to find the guilty commit via Binary Search.
Thanks a lot!
Michael Lackner
Lehrstuhl für Informationstechnologie (CiT)
Montanuniversität Leoben
Tel.: +43 (0)3842/402-1505 | Mail: michael.lackner(a)
Fax.: +43 (0)3842/402-1502 | Web: