I have trouble with ReactOS networking. Here is what I've tried so far:
First, I have made most of the tests under qemu 0.7.2 running on
Windows 2000 (I have the same results on Linux and Windows XP... using
same version of qemu).
I use the option "-user-net".
In ReactOS, I configured my network as follow:
IP Address:
I did also give a value to the nameserver, but it doesn't matter for
the problem I have.
- I can ping from ReactOS (I assume this tells me the
userland tcp/ip stack of qemu works properly, as well as ReactOS
On the host, I have a webserver (IIS) and an FTP server running, as
well as SSH.
From ReactOS:
- If I type "telnet 80 " and then enter some HTTP request
(GET / HTTP/1.0), I will only get an amount (1 to many) of blank
lines. In other words: no content.
- If I type "ftp ", the ftp client seems to send a username
by itself ("6-w" !?). So my FTP tests stop here.
- If I type "telnet 22", I will get the SSH version message,
and when I type something, I get a "protocol mismatch" error, which
looks normal.
- If I type "wget", it seems to connect (the webserver gets
the query), but then it will say it received empty data and will loop
doing this forever.
- I also tried lynx. Lynx gave me the most interesting results. I was
able to connect to the server, ask me for a cookie, receive some
headers and finally, since my password wasn't good, it gave me the IIS
permission denied page. HOWEVER, there were a lot of error messages
during the process.
Here is the one that appeared the most often: "Alert!: Unexpected
read error"
There were also a lot of "Alert!: Invalid header "....""
What I seem to understand is that some data is lost from the packets.
Something like final characters. I never had this kind of trouble with
other OS running under qemu, so I guess the problem is in ReactOS
TCP/IP stack. But I also seem to be the only one to have this kind of
Any idea where I should look first?
I'm pretty new to ReactOS and windows programming, but I'll do what I
can to provide more detail or... fix this.
Jacques Mony
Les services conseils Systématix inc.