today I tried to setup a QEMU boot environment for ReactOS.
I had a few problems to create the image and configuret the partition
on Windows.
However I could solve the problem using Linux, like this:
# create an empty 60 MB large disk image
dd if=/dev/zero of=/windows/c/reactos-emu/c.img count=121968
# initialize the MBR and partition using a DOS bot disk
qemu -fda dos5.img -hda c.img -boot a
# at the DOC command prompt:
# back in Linux
mformat c:
# boot ReactOS CDROM iso image in QEMU
qemu.exe -L . -hda c.img -cdrom reactos-0.3svn.iso -boot d
# Update the binaries from a fresh compiled ReactOS tree on Windows
Is there a better way, and is it possible without using Linux?
I also had to notice, my MTools on Windows are quite out of date.
(from 27.1.2001)
After a few boot cycles they have problems to read the image, and report:
Cannot initialize 'C:'
The Linux version works quite well on the same disk image.
Do you know of a newer WIN32 version of MTools - where can I download them?
I think this download link should also be put into the Wiki: