The following programmes have failed to install:
Not all programs can currently run on RectOS.
But what me more wunder: ReactOS 0.2.0 runs Solitaire (with its own
cards.dll) perfect.
But ReactOS 0.2.1 fails to run it. It ends with kernel panic. (blue screen)
Bug detected (code 1e param 0 0 0 0)
Page Fault Exception: 14(0)
Processor: 0 CS:EIP 8:cde8a020 <win32k: 34020>
cr2 3 cr3 2a63000 Proc: c156d938 Pid: a <gvim61> Thrd: c156dbe0 Tid: 33
DS 10 ES 10 FS 30 GS 10
EAX: 00000000 EBX: 00000010 ECX: cdeb5460
EDX: 00000000 EBP: ce577f04 ESI: 005274cc
EDI: ce577f84 EFLAGS: 00010206 kESP ce577e70 kernel stack base ce575000
ESP ce577e70
Frames: <win32k: 34222> <win32k: 3385c> <ntoskrnl.exe: 32f7> Page fault
high IRQL was 2
ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress = 0xc0001cf5
KeBugCheckWithTf at ke/catch.c:168
Bug detected (code 1e param 0 0 0 0)
Recursive bug check halting now
Yes, something like this comes after starting Solitair on ROS 0.2.1. Only
the values are different.
An other point what me wonder is the standard-driver of ReactOS.
It seems, that ReactOS itself runs with the standard-driver (and I don't
have installed any other one) in 16 or 32 colors. And the resolution is very
But at starting, the starting-picture with the ReactOS-logo seams to have a
lot of more colors then ReactOS, when it runs. And it seems that the logo
have a better resolution, then the running ReactOS.
Btw: To an other point: I think it would be nice, if you change cmd.exe so,
that an "dir" can - with or without an option, thats unimportant - show it
like an Win95/Win98 "dir".
On my computer ReactOS runs on the Win98-partition. And all file-names
existing so, in twi versions: In the long names version (VFat) and in 8+3
(DOS-FAT) version.
But after typing in "dir" it shows only the long versions.
And after typing in the option "dir /w" it shows only the 8+3 versions.
Would be nice, if there existing an option (or as default) where the long
version and 8+3 version are _both_ shown.
Is possible, that the NFS don't have a 8+3 part. So, then it would be nice,
that only on DOS/Win95/Win98 partitions the 8+3 files will be shown. And on
NFS filesystems only the long versins like yet.
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