  • 14 participants
  • 81070 discussions

[reactos] 01/01: [MSPAINT] Add border width to tool box (#5780)
by Katayama Hirofumi MZ
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [T2EMBED] Improve spec file
by Timo Kreuzer
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [MSPAINT] Zoom tool shouldn't use undo buffer (#5778)
by Katayama Hirofumi MZ
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 02/02: [WSHTCPIP] Remove unneeded headers + Fix bugs.
by Hermès Bélusca-Maïto
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/02: [NDK] Fix weird "ntstatus.s" statement (#5771)
by Hermès Bélusca-Maïto
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [TASKMGR] *.rc: Fix accelerator collisions &Priority <-> &Properties (#5758)
by Joachim Henze
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [DESK] Use MultiByteToWideChar instead of the private pSetupMultiByteToUnicode function (#5765)
by Hermès Bélusca-Maïto
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [DESK][SHELLBTRFS] Fix typo in WIN32_NO_STATUS
by Hermès Bélusca-Maïto
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [NETID] Simplify IsUserAdmin() helper implementation (#5763)
by Hermès Bélusca-Maïto
1 year, 3 months

[reactos] 01/01: [NTOS:MM/x64] Temporarily release AddressCreationLock in MmCreateVirtualMappingUnsafeEx
by Timo Kreuzer
1 year, 3 months
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