I was just wondering, don't you guys think ReactOS is a treat to GNU/Linux ?
For ex. when ROS becomes stable enough i will surely pass to ROS instead of
Linux (that i use now). Of course having a lot of GNU utils in ROS , GPL
licence, and free Win32 implementation is a temptation for many developers
and even GNU/Linux users. So isn't ROS going to unbalance the balance between
GNU/Linux / BSD ..etc and MS Win ?
Pe data de Luni 26 Ianuarie 2004 19:56, Ge van Geldorp a scris:
It seems the release of 0.2 generated a lot of
interest. Most of the
reactions are pretty predictable, either "Why???" or "Wow!!!" with
"Wow" ones being in the majority I think.
The website served 1.8 million requests the last 24 hours. At times it
was overloaded, but it seems we have found a set of parameters which
works pretty well now.
Gé van Geldorp.
ros-general mailing list