On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 09:25:05PM +0200, Ciobanu
Alexander wrote:
I was just wondering, don't you guys think
ReactOS is a treat to
GNU/Linux ?
For ex. when ROS becomes stable enough i will surely pass to ROS
instead of Linux (that i use now). Of course having a lot of GNU
utils in ROS , GPL licence, and free Win32 implementation is a
temptation for many developers and even GNU/Linux users. So isn't
ROS going to unbalance the balance between GNU/Linux / BSD ..etc and
MS Win ?
Well, maybe it will, but what's the problem with that?
Why should it? I think the term "free" is like the one in 'free
speech', not 'free beer'. ROS will be free in that meaning. Why
shouldn't the variety of OS's grow? I think the more free OS's there
are, the better it is for the user because he is free in choosing the
OS he likes.
Probably "militant" open source lovers will have problems with ROS
because it is supposed to be compatible with a lot of "non-free"
software. But I think it would be good for users.
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