  • 11 participants
  • 81012 discussions

[reactos] 01/01: [NTOS:KE] Acquire PRCB lock before marking thread ready for execution in dispatch interrupt routine (#6387)
by Oleg Dubinskiy
11 months, 3 weeks

[reactos] 01/01: [NTOS:KE] Set IRQL to SYNCH_LEVEL when exiting from idle after the thread is ready for execution (#6386)
by Oleg Dubinskiy
11 months, 3 weeks

[reactos] 01/01: [HALX86] Fix SYNCH_LEVEL differences between UP and SMP in HAL (#5874)
by Justin Miller
11 months, 3 weeks

[reactos] 01/01: [NTOS:KE] Fix initialization of node block for application processors
by Timo Kreuzer
11 months, 4 weeks

[reactos] 01/01: [WS2_32_WINETEST] Patch ws2_32:sock wine test to run on ReactOS (#5609)
by Doug Lyons
11 months, 4 weeks

[reactos] 01/01: [SDK] cicuif.h: Add CUIFBalloonButton and CUIFBalloonWindow (#6384)
by Katayama Hirofumi MZ
11 months, 4 weeks

[reactos] 03/03: [NTOS:CM][CMLIB] In PE mode, allow registry hives (except system ones) to use read/write access.
by Hermès Bélusca-Maïto
11 months, 4 weeks

[reactos] 02/03: [NTOS:CM] Initially start the registry in read-only mode.
by Hermès Bélusca-Maïto
11 months, 4 weeks

[reactos] 01/03: [NTOS:CM][CMLIB] Minor code styling
by Hermès Bélusca-Maïto
11 months, 4 weeks

[reactos] 01/01: [SHELL32][CONTROL] Added basic IOpenControlPanel support (#6248)
by Whindmar Saksit
12 months
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